Press Coverage
Webinar about Compassionate Honesty
It was an absolute pleasure today to facilitate this webinar about Compassionate Honesty and the value of integrating feedback and coaching into leadership within schools.
Association for Coaching
The greatest of journeys may start with a single step, but how do you know which direction to take? In this article for the Association for Coaching, Rosie shows how her MAGIC model can reveal a way forward. Continue reading→
The Coaching Focus Group Podcast
Rosie was invited as a guest on the innovative podcast of The Coaching Focus Group. Continue reading→
Five Ways to Transform Your Business by Creating a Coaching Culture
If you could wave a magic wand, what would you really like to achieve in your business. What could you do to inspire everyone to contribute their best? Continue reading→
How to Practice Reflective Thinking
Sitting in silence and self-reflecting activates multiple parts of our brain and helps us increase awareness of what matters most to us. However, in the busyness of our everyday lives, it can be hard to find the time to stop and reflect. Continue reading→
CAREER BREAK: The Top 10 Worries Mums Have When Returning to Work
In this article, Rosie investigates the top 10 worries that new mums have when they return to work after maternity... Continue reading→
Coaching and career breaks: The MAGIC solution
Rosie explains how her MAGIC Methodology can be used to support employees who return to work after a career break... Continue reading→
Do you ever feel too busy and crave some peaceful quiet time?
Here is an article Rosie wrote for WeAreTheCity about why taking time to silently reflect is key for wellbeing and success in all areas of our lives. Continue reading→
WeAreTheCity Article
In my ideal world, everyone would be able to experience the transformational powers of coaching, but until that happens, we can all benefit by learning how to coach ourselves. Continue reading→
Authority Magazine – 5 things you need to do when starting your own coaching business
If you are thinking of starting your own coaching business, read 5 things you need to do, plus a host of other tips, in this article by Rosie in Authority magazine Continue reading→
Forbes Valentines Day Article
Rosie was happy to contribute to this Valentine’s Day article about loving leadership in Forbes.com Continue reading→
The Belfast Telegraph
Here is an article published in the Belfast Telegraph where Rosie describes how the MAGIC Methodology can be used to help us achieve our goals Continue reading→
Independent – 6 easy ways to boost your mental health in 10 minutes
Rosie was very contribute a tip for this lovely article sharing easy ways to give ourselves a boost on a gloomy January day. Continue reading→
In the gloom of a rainy January, Rosie was asked to submit 2 tips for i-news in a lovely article offering ways to make January seem a little less bleak. Continue reading→
Rosie was asked to submit a tip for an article entitled Leading with Purpose in 2023: Resolutions for Successful Leaders 2023 for maddyness.com. Continue reading→
8 Wellbeing experts share tips for a happy, healthy 2023
Rosie was asked to submit a tip to this article which appeared on 3rd January 2023. Click here to read her tip
Resolutions: Becoming a better leader in 2023
Rosie was asked to contribute to an article for HR Director Magazine, entitled Resolutions: Becoming a Better Leader in 2023. In line with the MAGIC Methodology, her tip was “Take a Look in the Mirror”. You can read the full article here Continue reading→
Rosie was interviewed on Bobby Kerr’s ‘Down to Business’ Show
Rosie was a guest of Bobby Kerr’s ‘Down to Business’ Show on Ireland’s Newstalk FM on Dev 18th 2022, discussing her book about the art of reflective coaching, The Magic Happens in the Silence. Continue reading→