Building a Coaching Culture
Inspire your people to achieve their full potential by building a coaching culture in your organisation
A coaching culture is an ongoing approach to people management, which has the power to create real shifts in mindset, stretching your team to truly fulfil their potential.
It creates an environment where people are empowered to grow and perform at their best, through constructive conversations and honest feedback, underpinned by openness and connectivity.
Leaders achieve success though others, and the focus is on self-awareness and self-responsibility, building on people’s strengths and creating space for everyone to reflect and find their own answers to their challenges.
It builds an atmosphere which is emotionally healthy.
People are valued as individuals and feel a sense of belonging and engagement.
Our unique 3 stage programme to build a coaching culture
The COACH Approach: for your senior leaders
•Guides your senior leaders in creating a strategic vision for your emerging coaching culture
MAGIC for Managers: for your leaders and managers
•How to use MAGIC coaching to transform your team’s performance
MAGIC for Me: for everyone
•How to to fully engage in a coaching relationship and coach yourself to professional success and personal fulfilment

Rosie and Jan's sessions strike a happy balance of being challenging so I feel I'm really learning, developing, but enjoyable such that I look forward to them. Strongly recommended for anyone looking to extend their own mentoring and coaching skills or develop a coaching culture in their organisation
Craig Hill, Co Founder of Empathy Lab

The COACH Approach
A workshop for your senior leaders to create a strategic vision for your coaching culture.
We will help you clarify what a coaching culture means in your organisation, the benefits of the transformation and the skills and behaviours which will help it grow, and help build your plan for success.
MAGIC for Managers
Workshops for your leaders and managers to explore how to coach their teams to enhance their motivation and accelerate their success. We will give them the skills, tools and confidence to become manager-coaches and support their people to realise their full potential.
Follow-up 1-1 coaching to help apply the learning and maintain the momentum.
MAGIC for Me
When organisations decide to transform to build coaching into the heart of their culture, we are often asked to work with the managers to develop their coaching skills. But in our experience, that is only half the picture. This engaging workshop provides the missing link, by sharing the skills, behaviours of coaching with everyone. This workshop covers the essential elements of MAGIC coaching, and explores how everyone can fully engage in the coaching process, to maximise the benefits for all.
Follow-up roundtable coaching sessions to apply the learning and maintain momentum.
The Accredited Award in Coach Training: AACT
This 3 day specialist coach training programme can be used to create beacons of excellence within your coaching culture by training a team of fully accredited coaching experts, to role-model best practice and support everyone through the cultural transformation.
MAGIC Mentors
As you build your coaching culture, we can provide MAGIC Mentors to to provide support and encouragement all along your journey, sharing expertise and experience, and offering coaching and a confidential space to explore successes, challenges and next steps.
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